Round carpets are all the rage. It changes your interior in an instant and creates An soft appearance. Are you still unsure whether a round rug will fit in your interior? Here you will find it four reasons why a round Shape An good idea is.
1) Organic look
It is the interior trend of 2023: organic shapes. You see soft and round shapes everywhere. A round Shape breaks straight lines and gives peace for the eye. By placing a round carpet under a rectangular cupboard or table, you can experiment with different shapes and styles in an accessible way.
2) Create a whole
In addition, a round carpet forms a visual center, it creates a feeling of harmony and balance. If you have a large space, this is ideal togetherness between the furniture to create. Think of it as a central point where all elements come together.
3) Versatility
With round you can go in any direction. From bedrooms to living rooms and even in kitchens or bathrooms. In every room can you places.
4) Something for everyone
Round carpets are available in different materials and patterns, so you can match them to different decor styles. Whether you're looking for a simple plain rug or a bold pattern, there's an option to suit your taste.
In short, round carpets are a beautiful addition to your interior and offer a... versatility of use and style. Do you already see a round rug in your interior? View our range here round rugs or leave you custom rug to make.