A rug in your dining room is the ideal way to give this space an extra touch. This article will explain how to position a rug under a table.

Make sure your rug is big enough

In general, the rule is that a rug sticks out under a table by a minimum of 60 centimetres and a maximum of 90 centimetres. This way, you can slide your chair back without the chair sliding off the carpet.

Hoe leg je een vloerkleed onder tafel

Choose your favourite shape

Look at the shape of your dining table. If you want to create a harmonious setting, you choose the same shape as your dining table. If you want to create contrast, you can mix shapes.

Vloerkleed onder tafel

Are you not certain about the size of your rug?

Lay down newspapers to determine the size of your rug. You can also use tape to mark the area.

This technique gives you a better view of how the carpet will look in the room and what your ideal carpet size is.


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March 06, 2023