With spring cleaning just around the corner, we can give our interior a fresh look. Feel like giving your interior a twist? We have the interior trends of 2023 listed for you.

Living trend 1: organic interior

Organisch interieur sfeerbeeld

Soft lines and imperfection are the keywords for an organic interior. Forget straight lines and sleek furniture. Combine art, furniture, vases, rugs or other items organic/round shapes for a serene and classy atmosphere.

View these rugs for your organic interior

Copenhagen Oranje
Manila wit
Agra Bruin  

Living trend 2: natural interior

Natuurlijk interieur sfeerbeeld

Not only do you bring nature into your home with this interior style, on the other hand invest you in furniture made out durable materials . More and more design brands make in their design and production process fair choices . NB recognized labels when you buy something, that's how you know for sure buy sustainably .

View these rugs for your natural interior

Mecca Ecru

Living trend 3: eclectic interior

Eclectisch interieur sfeerbeeld

Go wild with this trend. Bright colors , vintage , textures , mix and match , it's all possible in an eclectic interior. The only rule you follow is that everything is in line with Your personality .

View these rugs for your eclectic interior

Benin grijs

Living trend 4: terracotta colours

Terracotta interieur sfeerbeeld

Terracotta colors give a Mediterranean atmosphere to a room. The Color is reminiscent of Sicilian villas and rustic charm. Choose from earth pink, earth brown, rose brown or rusty brown. With these colors you create one soft and warm atmosphere . Terracotta colors combine beautifully with natural materials such as sisal, wool, rattan, linen and wood.

View these rugs for your terracotta interior

Kyoto ecru
Chicago beige

Boston beige

Lots of options so about you ideal interior at to create . We wish you good luck with spring cleaning and have fun decorating !

Do you need some help with your choice? View all our rugs or make an appointment and get free interior advice.

February 07, 2023